Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the governing body of the Faculty. It is responsible for overseeing the Faculty’s long-term strategy, the policy making process and setting the annual budget.
Council members
President: Dr Helen Beaumont
Immediate Past-President: Dr Sara Eames
Vice President: Dr Elizabeth Thompson
Treasurer: Dr Gary Smyth
Medical Dean: Julie Geraghty
Nursing Dean: Ms Patricia Donnachie
Pharmacy Dean: Dr Lee Kayne
Veterinary Dean: Mr Peter Gregory
Podiatry Dean: Mr Tariq Khan
Members’ Committee Convener: Dr Patricia Ridsdale
NHS Primary Care representative: Dr Ralf Schmalhorst
NHS Secondary Care representative: Dr Helmut Roniger
Independent Practice representative: Dr Jonathan Hardy
The work of the Faculty falls into three key areas – Academic, Promotion and Membership – and is led by three standing committees. Each committee has clear terms of reference and a convener who provides leadership and works closely with the professional staff at the Faculty office. The work of each committee is contained in the Faculty’s strategic plan which is regularly evaluated and revised.
Academic Board and Board of Examiners
These two boards are responsible for the educational work of the Faculty including the development of the core curriculum, accreditation, curriculum development, assessment procedures, and supervision of continuing professional education. Membership of the Academic Board is by appointment and includes representatives from the Faculty accredited teaching centres and the Deans. All are closely involved with homeopathic academic development across medicine, dentistry, veterinary surgery and pharmacy. The Dean always assumes the role of convener of the Academic Board and reports to the academic board.
The Board of Examiners is a sub-committee of the Academic Board. It is responsible for examinations’ policy and for ensuring quality and consistency in Faculty exam assessment. Its membership consists of the Deans and representatives from the Faculty’s panel of accredited examiners.
Members’ Committee

The Members’ Committee is the main link between the Faculty and the membership. It consists of 24 regional and professional group representatives. To qualify for professional group representation there must be a minimum of 30 Faculty associates and members from that profession. Representatives put forward the views of the members from the area/profession they represent; encourage individual members to participate in Faculty activities and promote the Faculty and its aims to professional colleagues. The Members’ Committee elects a convener who sits on Council to represent members’ views.
Promotion Network
The Promotion Network consists of Faculty members who actively engage in promoting homeopathic medicine and/or the Faculty in the media; for example, by writing articles and appearing on TV and radio programmes. Membership of the Promotion Network is open to all members who have skills and experience in this field and are willing to be called on occasionally to represent the Faculty in response to media requests for a spokesperson. The convener is appointed by, and is a member of, the Faculty Council.
Disciplinary and Professional Performance Committee
A fourth committee deals with all disciplinary matters. If a complaint is made against a member it is forwarded confidentially to the Chair of the Committee who then investigates the complaint according to the Faculty’s Disciplinary, Capability and Complaints Policy and Procedure.

